Why Dogs Love Big Sticks (and so do we!).
Bud has made the transition from a Northern dog to a Southern dog easier than his his human care givers. But then, dogs "live in the moment" . . . . . . . . . . . . . a trait we humans could use. Being a Yellow Lab, Bud easily makes friends such as Bear, the Black lab-German Shepherd mix with whom Bud shared a large stick yesterday. It seems that dogs - mostly male dogs - love sticks and the bigger the better. Why Bud is proudest when prancing like a deer holding a big stick with antler-like branches above his head. He's obviously making Bear jealous that his stick is the biggest of the moment. A prancing dog is a happy dog - a dog that is on top of his world. Not unlike his human counterparts. Why, we love and just have to show-off our newest, shiniest, biggest, baddest or prettiest thing-a-ma-bob. Bud's big stick sure makes him proud just like us.
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