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Monday, March 17, 2014

Why Dogs Can See Through the Fog and Sometimes We Can't

As a five year old neutered Lab you'd think Bud's procreative instincts would wane.  Yet, upon the excitement of a new friend (or even some long time friends) his excited exuberances lean toward disfavored social behavior as in "I love you so much I want a copy of me."  Bud can be forgiven because . . . well . . .  he's a male dog.  And male dogs sometimes have feral instincts even after being divested of necessary equipment.  In a nutshell, dogs do what dogs have always done . . . keep the species moving forward.

Unfortunately, their human counterparts haven't learned much since the procreative command "to be fruitful and multiply" came from on high.  Finally, after thousands of years human males are able to produce more copies than those that die.  And, after those thousands of years we've developed rules of the road that allow us to function as a moderately successful society.  Such as, don't pick your teeth at the dinner table and one spouse at at time.  Yet very smart and famous dudes who should know better and (as my mother would say) "can't help themselves" continually "embareass" our species.

Must be the fog.  You know the fog of war, the fog of campaigns, the fog of booze or drugs and "whatever's new in the office" fog.  It's getting to where even fog gets a bad name.  Now men, mostly, have had fogs overcome them for centuries.  David was consumed by the Bathsheban Fog, Anthony by the Cleopatran fog and Tom Jefferson by the easypickings fog.

Good news!  Now, there's treatment for fog and, well, everything else that tends to get men into trouble.
  • Just Twittered a picture of yourself shirtless or pantless? 
  •  Fathered a child by your aide or maid? Texted or sexted too much information to people who didn't want to know?  
  • Took a 3,000 mile vacation detour to comfort your new soulmate? 
  • Just have a wide stance?
  • The fog defense is "I'm taking a leave of absence and seeking treatment" when everyone else wants them to say "I've taken a leave of my senses and I'm resigning to spend the rest of my life raising organic baby food and seeking a cure for stupidity."  Nobody will miss you and our collective embarrassment quotient will be greatly reduced.

Yet, there's a much simpler cure for fog.  Dogs know this.  Their mothers taught them.  In fact, dog moms teach their pups all they need to know . . . in about eight weeks!

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